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Couverture de Goldfinger


De : Ian Fleming
Lu par : Hugh Bonneville
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    A game of canasta turns out crooked and a golden girl ends up dead. It seems that Auric Goldfinger is a bad loser when it comes to cards. He’s also the world’s most ruthless and successful gold smuggler. As James Bond follows his trail, he discovers that Goldfinger’s real game is the heist of fifteen billion dollars of US government bullion. The final hand is played at Fort Knox, in a spectacular display of deception and intrigue.

    Includes an exclusive bonus interview with Hugh Bonneville.

    Ian Fleming was born in London in 1908. He was educated at Eton and worked as a journalist in Moscow and a banker and stockbroker in London before becoming personal assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence during the Second World War. He wrote his first Bond novel, Casino Royale, in 1952 at Goldeneye, his home in Jamaica. Since then James Bond has gone on to become a global phenomenon.

    Hugh Bonneville is perhaps best known for his role as Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham in the hit series Downton Abbey. Other TV credits include W1A, Twenty Twelve, Lost in Austen, Bonekickers, The Silence and Rev. On the big screen he’s been seen in Monuments Men, Iris, Notting Hill, and the James Bond movie, Tomorrow Never Dies.

    ©1959 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd (P)2013 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd. © AudioGO Ltd, 2012. James Bond and 007 are registered trademarks of Danjaq LLC, used under licence by Ian Fleming Publications Ltd


    "Fantastic…Nobody else does this sort of thing as well as Mr. Fleming." ( Sunday Times)
    "A superlative thriller from our foremost literary magician." ( New York Herald Tribune)
    "Highly entertaining." ( New York Times)
    "Maniacally readable." ( Observer)
    "Gilt-edged Bond." ( Sunday Times)

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