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Couverture de Engaging the Earl

Engaging the Earl

De : Mindy Burbidge Strunk
Lu par : Lucy Margans
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    He had no intentions of marrying, especially not the girl next door.

    Miss Sarah Brown is the insignificant daughter of an insignificant knight. With a small dowry and an unremarkable appearance, she has little hope of marrying better than a vicar or a solicitor. When her father announces that she is to have a London Season, she allows herself to hope for something more. Surely in the ballrooms of London, there is a gentleman of wealth who will make her a proper match. She need only to discover how to draw the gentleman’s attention to her. But that is not so easily done until her best friend comes up with a plan. Sarah simply needs to learn how to flirt. While it seems ridiculous, if it results in the desired match, it seems like a risk worth taking.

    Reginald Thornbeck, the Earl of Stoke-on-Trent, has no plans of marrying. At least not anytime soon. He enjoys his life as a bachelor far too much. But as his sister’s guardian, he is responsible for presenting her at court and giving her a Season. Thankfully her best friend, Sarah, will be in London at the same time—allowing Reginald more time in the card room, and less time in the ballroom. But when Reginald learns of his sister’s idiotic plans to help Sarah woo a gentleman, he has no choice but to intervene.

    As Reginald spends time instructing Sarah, he realizes that bachelorhood might not be as desirable as he previously thought. Now he must try to convince Sarah that she can set her sights higher than a vicar or a solicitor. But the task proves more difficult than he imagined.

    ©2023 Mindy Burbidge Strunk (P)2024 FiveJoys Press

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