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Do I Stand Alone?

De : Jesse Ventura
Lu par : Jesse Ventura
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Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura decries the ease with which most Americans surrender their freedoms and apathetically accept a system of governance driven more by pork patronage than by the best interests of the constituency. He also denounces an irresponsible media, taking them to task for too often confusing fame with notoriety, and for driving the news instead of simply reporting it. And he unabashedly speaks out on today's hot-button issues, including welfare, racism, abortion, campaign finance reform, and gay rights.

Giving us fascinating insights into the future of independent parties, Governor Ventura ushers us deep into the polished corridors of power, exposing the best - and worst - of our current crop of political personalities, while laying out a workable strategy for bringing our political system - and its politicians - back to greatness.

In a forthright, razor-sharp, and entertaining critique, Governor Ventura has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging today's politicians as well as a disenchanted public to transcend the tired rhetoric and defiantly reclaim the freedom and opportunity that is our American birthright.

©2000 Jesse Ventura, All Rights Reserved (P)2000 Simon & Schuster, Inc., All Rights Reserved, AUDIOWORKS Is an Imprint of Simon & Schuster Audio Division, Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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