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Couverture de Deception: Assignment

Deception: Assignment

De : Avery Cross
Lu par : Jacq Ainsworth
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    Wren Winters, a fierce air summoner, finds herself bound by duty and scars at the Academy of Ancients after surviving an attack that leaves her team dead. Determined to unearth the truth behind the ambush, Wren's relentless pursuit is complicated by her transfer—a move orchestrated by General Adam Pierce to protect and sideline her. Struggling with haunting visions and an emerging dark side, she seeks solace and strength in her new surroundings, uncertain whom to trust.

    Seth Paulson, troubled by visions that seem to predict the future, grapples with his destiny at the same academy. As an unexpected mentor to Wren, his initial annoyance turns into deep concern as his supernatural insights reveal Wrens imminent peril. With his uncle's legacy—a revered summoner—weighing heavily on him, Seth wrestles with the revelation that he might be the only one capable of understanding and aiding Wren.

    Their paths cross in a tapestry of mystery, magic, and manipulation. As Wren fights against the shadows of her past, Seth's premonitions creep closer to reality, binding them in a shared quest for answers. Together, they navigate a labyrinth of ancient secrets and familial ties, where their enemies lurk much closer than either had feared.

    ©2024 Avery Cross (P)2024 Avery Cross

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