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Couverture de Deadlock


De : Robert Liparulo
Lu par : Henry Kramer
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    Hutch is a newspaper columnist, single dad...and last defense against a lunatic's high-tech killing machine in this edge-of-your-seat thriller.

    Special Forces veteran-turned-billionaire Brendan Page has some dirty not-so-little secrets. He's built an empire on supplying futuristic weapons and highly trained soldiers to the world's most powerful armies. But he's saved his most destructive weapons for himself.

    John Hutchinson, a Denver newspaper columnist and avid bow-hunter, has figured out the truth about Brendan Page and is determined to bring him down. But he's up against a warmonger linked to assassinations, kidnappings, and terrorist activities.

    Hutch quickly uncovers a plan that seems unfathomable in its recklessness and loss of life. Yet he's just one man up against impossible odds - with no Plan B. Thankfully, it's just the kind of environment Hutch thrives best in...if he can survive the next three days.

    Deadlock will grab you from its riveting opening to its white-knuckle climax.

    Praise for Deadlock:

    “With a blistering pace and irresistible characters, Deadlock is the best of high-octane suspense.” (Gayle Lynds, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Spymaster)

    • One of the John Hutchison novels, which can be heard as standalones or sequentially for even more insight into the characters:
      • Book 1: Deadfall
      • Book 2: Deadlock
    • Stand-alone novel
    • Book length: 108,000 words
    ©2021 Robert Liparulo (P)2021 Thomas Nelson

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