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  • Christmas Present

  • A Chronicles of St. Mary's Short Story
  • De : Jodi Taylor
  • Lu par : Zara Ramm
  • Durée : 1 h et 18 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (2 notations)

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Couverture de Christmas Present

Christmas Present

De : Jodi Taylor
Lu par : Zara Ramm
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    It's Christmas Eve at St Mary's. And all through the house. Nothing is stirring.... Except for Max, Peterson, and Markham, sneaking out at midnight for an assignment that is very definitely off the books.

    It was ten years ago tonight that senior historians Bashford and Grey went missing in 12th century Jerusalem. So how did they end up in AD 60 Roman Colchester?

    Max has a theory. Peterson has a plan. Markham has bacon sandwiches. Colchester has Boudicca and her bloodthirsty Iceni hordes.

    And then there's the giant pig...the enraged, giant pig....

    Jodi Taylor is and always has been a history nut. Her disinclination to get out of bed for anything after 1485 can only be overcome by massive amounts of chocolate, and sometimes, if it's raining, not even then. She wanted to write a book about time travel that was a little different and, not having a clue how difficult this would make her book to classify, went ahead and slung in elements of history, adventure, comedy, romance, tragedy, and anything else she could think of. Her advice to booksellers is to buy huge numbers of her books and just put one on every shelf.

    ©2014 Jodi Taylor (P)2015 Audible, Ltd

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