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Couverture de Burned and Scarred

Burned and Scarred

De : Brenda Poppy
Lu par : Brenda Poppy
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    Life outside the domed city of Kasis is impossible–or at least that’s what its citizens have always been told. But when Burn finds herself on the wrong side of the ruling Peace Force–and the wrong side of the city’s walls–what she discovers could upend civilization as they know it.

    Stranded on opposite sides of the dome, gifted sisters Burn and Scar must battle villainous forces, fantastical creatures, and ruthless environments in hopes of finding their way back to each other. While Burn tackles the unforgiving desert and the supercharged mutants who call it home, Scar must fight her way to the far reaches of the polluted metropolis in search of answers.

    The second installment in the Burn this City trilogy sees both women thrust into an epic adventure that forces them to question everything they’ve come to know. Who can they trust? What are they willing to sacrifice? And what are they truly capable of?

    ©2021 Brenda Poppy (P)2022 Brenda Poppy

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