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Couverture de British Architecture

British Architecture

De : Dana Arnold
Lu par : Julia Anthony
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    British Architecture presents an original and engaging overview of the architecture of the British Isles, from medieval times to the present day. Avoiding the traditional approach of a chronological survey of architects and architectural style, each chapter presents a thematic exploration of key aspects of British architecture that endure across time and still have relevance today. Arnold also highlights the ways in which architecture can project national and regional identities.

    British architecture tells of the intrinsic nature of Britishness and is an important means of understanding Britain's connection with the world. There is no doubt about the international significance of the work of recent and contemporary British architects. But Arnold also relates how a preoccupation with the past has been a constant theme in design. A thematic, historical understanding of British architecture in terms of its form and purpose explains much about society and culture. Architecture continues to shape patterns of living and social interaction and responds to new demands. Equally, debates about how best to express the nation through its architecture reveal much about Britain's perception of itself. Finally, Arnold explores how subsequent generations can offer new interpretations and meanings that change our view of British architecture's legacy.

    ©2024 Dana Arnold (P)2024 Tantor

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