Couverture de Fathers Handling Business

Fathers Handling Business

De : Dwyan Marsh Donte' Witherspoon
  • Résumé

  • Welcome to "Fathers Handling Business," hosted by Donté Witherspoon, a seasoned marriage and family therapist, and Dwyan Marsh, an artist and business strategist. This YouTube channel delves into the complexities of fatherhood, offering a mix of expert advice, practical parenting tips, and inspirational stories. Whether you're a new dad or have teenagers, Donté and Dwyan provide insights to help you excel in this vital role. Join our community for relatable experiences and strategies that empower modern fathers. Subscribe to "Fathers Handling Business" and embrace the journey of fatherhood with confidence.

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    • Father's View - Child Support System
      Jul 3 2024

      Welcome to the inaugural episode of "Fathers Handling Business," where hosts Donté Witherspoon and Dwyan Marsh tackle a topic that touches every aspect of fatherhood—the child support system. Donté and Dwyan dive into the complexities of child support, discussing its impact on both custodial and non-custodial parents. They explore the fairness of the current system, share personal insights, and discuss potential reforms to better serve families. Whether you're navigating the child support system yourself or just interested in a father's perspective on this crucial issue, this episode offers a balanced look at the challenges and opportunities within the existing framework. Join us as we unpack the realities of child support and advocate for policies that uphold the best interests of children and parents alike.

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      50 min

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