Couverture de Gunpowder and Gravy

Gunpowder and Gravy

De : Gunpowder and Gravy
  • Résumé

  • This is a podcast where friends get together to discuss the competitive shooting sports and other topics that are important to us.
    Gunpowder and Gravy
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    • Nick Collier
      Jul 4 2024

      Nick Collier rounds out the crew here at Gunpowder and Gravy. Being in the firearms industry since 2002 provides perspective that only comes with experience. Since 2012 Nick has been actively involved in the competitive shooting world through various event and match sponsorships and has made a career out of relationships. From the hollers of eastern Kentucky, Nick is also a marketing consultant and creative mind. He considers being a “Hillbilly” an honor and applies southern charm to every situation possible. Be sure to stop him and say “Howdy” if you see him on the range!

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      1 h
    • Rob Hall
      Jul 4 2024

      Rob is the Chief Technology Officer of Luttrell Staffing Group, and has been competing in various shooting sports such as USPSA and 3-Gun since 2017, as well as working major matches since 2018. In his free time off the range, he enjoys working out, geeking out on sciences such as astrophysics and quantum mechanics, and spending time with his family. If you see Rob at a match, say "Hi" and chat for a while.

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      1 h et 15 min
    • Scott Newnam
      Jul 4 2024

      Scott is a small business owner of an HVAC company and located in the panhandle of Florida. He has been competing in the shooting sports since 2016, starting with uspsa then later evolving into 2 gun, 3 gun, and precision rifle. When he isn't shooting somewhere, you will find him in Alabama working on the property, reloading, or tinkering with something. Scott enjoys the outdoors and hunting what ever is in season as well as chasing wild pigs around at night. Don't let the beard scare you off, feel free to give him a holar or just say hi!

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      1 h et 20 min

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