Couverture de Liberty & Levity

Liberty & Levity

De : Jordan P Manning
  • Résumé

  • Liberty & Levity Podcast

    Welcome to the Liberty & Levity Podcast, where we bring you engaging, concise narrations of our opinion editorials. Each episode delivers insightful commentary on politics, news, and culture, making it accessible to a wider audience, especially those who prefer listening to reading. Tune in for a fresh, right-of-center perspective on the issues that matter most.

    Jordan Post-Manning 2024
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    • Liberty & Levity
      Jul 3 2024

      Welcome to the audio version of "The Issue is Never the Issue," an article featured on Liberty & Levity. In this piece, we will delve into a specific paradox within leftist movements, exploring the contradictions between ideals and reality. We will examine the complexity of American protest culture, focusing on the mindset of activists and their perspectives on human rights, through the lens of "The Palestine Collective," and critique the selective outrage and strategic narratives that drive modern activism. Join us as we unpack the deeper motivations and implications behind today's protests. For the full text version, visit Liberty & Levity

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      5 min

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