Couverture de The FlowRy Show

The FlowRy Show

De : The FlowRy Show
  • Résumé

  • A Journey Through Life’s Tapestry: Wisdom for Every Generation
    The FlowRy Show
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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    • Collaboration: Bridging the Generational Gap
      Jul 3 2024

      In today's diverse and dynamic workplace, understanding and harnessing the strengths of different generations is crucial for success. We seek to explore the unique contributions of Baby Boomers(like my cohost Mike Ryan) and Post BB Generations/Post-Boomers, like myself (Nicole Flowers), highlighting how their collaboration can lead to innovation, growth, and a more fulfilling work environment.

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      46 min

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