Couverture de Emotional Intelligence Pawdcast

Emotional Intelligence Pawdcast

De : Sandra Thompson
  • Résumé

  • The Emotional Intelligence Pawdcast is a weekly show featuring amazing humans and their fantastic four-legged furry friends. In each episode we’ll explore the transformative world of emotional intelligence and empathy guided by inspiring and heartwarming stories about our beloved canines and the impact they have on us. We’ll also discuss and share practical tips and insights on how to cultivate empathy and emotional awareness and regulation.
    Copyright 2024 All rights reserved.
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    • EP01 - Kerris & Bella
      Jul 3 2024

      In this, our first Emotional Intelligence Pawdcast, we hear about Bella's adventures with Kerris in North Vancouver.

      We learn about Bella's secret skills as a tour guide and discover more about neuroplasticity and growth mindset as Kerris describes what it's like to be Bella's two-legged friend.

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      33 min

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