• ONE: From the Field

  • De : CNEWA
  • Podcast

  • Résumé

  • ONE magazine invites you to listen to our journalists around the globe share what it is like covering the work of the Eastern churches in countries where CNEWA works. Listen as they share interesting tidbits from their notebooks that did not make it into their article, as well as what moved them most about their experience.
    Copyright CNEWA 2024 All rights reserved.
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    • From the Holy Land: A Sign of Hope
      Jun 4 2024

      In “A Sign of Hope in the Holy Land” in the June 2024 edition of ONE magazine, Judith Sudilovsky reports on Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan’s April visit to the Holy Land as chair of CNEWA. In this audio report, she reflects on the cardinal’s message of peace and love, and how she witnessed hope in action while accompanying the delegation.

      Read “A Sign of Hope in the Holy Land”: www.cnewa.org/magazine/a-sign-of-hope-in-the-holy-land

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      5 min
    • From Lebanon: No Generation Spared
      Jun 4 2024

      In the June 2024 edition of ONE, Laure Delacloche reports on the reach of the Israel-Hamas conflict into southern Lebanon, and the impact it is having on struggling families. Here, listen to her discuss how this story fits into her solutions approach to journalism, and how she hopes it will bring greater attention to the needs in southern Lebanon.

      Read “No Generation Spared”: www.cnewa.org/magazine/no-generation-spared

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      3 min
    • From Georgia: A Place to Belong
      Jun 4 2024

      In “A Place to Belong” in the June 2024 edition of ONE magazine, Paul Rimple reports on the work of Caritas Georgia to support street children and empower them to choose a better path for their future. In this audio log, he explains the social need for programs like those operated by Caritas in Georgia, and shares stories of beneficiaries he met through his reporting.

      Read “A Place to Belong”: www.cnewa.org/magazine/a-place-to-belong

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      4 min

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