Couverture de Courageously Speaking

Courageously Speaking

De : Maria Soriano
  • Résumé

  • By focusing on the theme of brave choices and highlighting inspiring stories of individuals who have made courageous decisions to achieve success beyond self, the Courageously Speaking Podcast aims to motivate and empower audiences worldwide to embrace bravery in their own lives, pursue their goals fearlessly, and make a positive impact on their communities and ultimately, the world.
    Maria Soriano
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    • Courageously Speaking with Dr. Shellie Keller (How a 9th grader turned her addiction into a mental health practice decades later)
      Jul 3 2024

      Join Courageously Speaking host, Maria Soriano, as she interviews Dr. Shellie Keller, Director of Academic Success at the College of Southern Nevada and counselor at Keller Counseling Services. In this riveting premier episode, Maria and Dr. Keller delve into a heartfelt discussion on overcoming life's toughest challenges and the importance of mental health.

      Dr. Keller shares her inspiring journey from taking her first sip of alcohol at 6 years old to finding her calling in Las Vegas, where she did not only rebuild her life through higher education and therapy, but also learned to listen to people who cared enough about her to give constructive advice.

      In a next phase of her life, her husband and a friend from rehab were both instrumental in fulfilling her goal of being a parent to adopted children with similar strings attached—her own addiction which she transformed to an act of love.

      Discover how Dr. Keller’s personal experiences with substance abuse and recovery as well as her dedication to supporting students have shaped her compassionate approach to mental health counseling.

      Maria and Dr. Keller explore three simple ways of managing triggers, stimulus response, and unhealthy coping mechanics: BECOMING SELF-AWARE, TRUSTING PEOPLE, and HELPING OTHERS.

      Tune in for an episode filled with the transformative power of turning adversity into one’s purpose.

      Key Highlights:

      • Navigating family trauma

      • Overcoming addiction through therapy

      • Building strong, authentic relationships

      • Pursuing higher education as a non-traditional student

      • Adopting children from families affected by substance abuse

      • Leaders prioritizing self-care

      • Transforming personal struggles into purposeful actions

      SUBSCRIBE NOW to learn more about Dr. Shellie Keller’s incredible story.

      If you are planning to start your journey to wellness and recover, visit: for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Keller.

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      1 h et 21 min

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