Couverture de Joddie Tried It

Joddie Tried It

De : Joddie Taylor
  • Résumé

  • Joddie Taylor is the engaging host of the tiny podcast series "Joddie Tried It," where she shares her extensive experiences in personal and professional development. With over seven years of exploring various courses, memberships, apps, and coaching programs, Joddie offers listeners honest reviews and insights. Focusing on her most recent experiences from 2023 and 2024, she also revisits some impactful programs from her past. Joddie's dedication to continuous learning makes her podcast a valuable resource for anyone looking to make informed decisions on their personal or professional development journey.
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    • Discovering Amazon Reviewing: Joddie Taylor Tries Elly Watson's Course
      Jul 6 2024
      If you've ever been curious about earning money by reviewing Amazon products, you will want to listen to this episode! Welcome back to another episode of Joddie Tried It featuring Joddie Taylor! Today, we're diving into Joddie's latest venture into the world of Amazon product reviewing. In this episode, Joddie shares her honest and candid experience with a course titled "Becoming an Amazon Reviewer: Your Guide to Success" by Elly Watson. Over three weeks, Joddie navigated the ins and outs of becoming an Amazon Influencer, faced multiple rejections, and was eventually accepted into the program. She'll cover key takeaways, the benefits of a supportive Facebook group, and whether she found the course worthwhile. Listen to Joddie's candid insights and some handy tips on becoming an Amazon reviewer.
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      10 min
    • Inside Ruth Ridgeway's $100K Experiment and Joddie's Bold Passive Income Challenge
      Jul 5 2024
      Welcome back to Joddie Tried It! I'm Joddie Taylor, and today, we're immersing ourselves in Ruth Ridgeway's 100K Experiment. This unique course documents Ruth's year-long journey to earn $100,000 through passive income, with the added excitement of real-time updates. Whether you're fascinated by passive income or seeking entrepreneurial inspiration, this episode is a must-listen. Let's begin!
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      8 min
    • How Mai-kee Tsang's $9 Workshop Can Transform YOUR Approach to Audience Engagement
      Jul 4 2024
      Joddie explores a practical $9 workshop by Mai-kee Tsang that focuses on engaging with your audience through personalized video calls. Joddie shares her journey of implementing this concept through her "Snacks with Joddie" sessions, her challenges, and her valuable lessons. Whether you aim to build a vibrant community or explore low-cost, high-value offers, this episode is filled with insights you will want to make use of. Tune in to hear how a simple $9 investment can have a ripple effect on your audience engagement and business growth. Remember to subscribe to Joddie's Substack for more updates and insights!
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      9 min

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