Couverture de Easy Italian Podcast - Espresso e Beshbarrmak

Easy Italian Podcast - Espresso e Beshbarrmak

De : Italian Your Journey
  • Résumé

  • Ciao! Have you ever had a hard time finding interesting but comprehensible content while learning Italian? Here is that content you were looking for. The transcripts will help you improve. Enjoy :) P.S. I'm also on YouTube.
    Italian Your Journey
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    • La mia esperienza con il bullismo - Easy Italian Podcast with transcripts
      Jul 3 2024

      In questo episodio parlo della mia esperienza con il bullismo. Quando ero piccolo sono stato vittima di bullismo verbale, cioè fatto con le parole. Anche se questo ha avuto conseguenze sulla mia vita, oggi sono migliorato e ho più auostima.


      • Ecco il link al sito con la trascrizione bilingue :
      • Questo è il video YouTube dove c'è il video in cui parlo della mia esperienza con il lavoro : (la versione audio c'è su Spotify)

      Buon ascolto!

      P.S. fatemi sapere se volete anche la versione su YouTube :)

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      25 min
    • Our job in Italy - 1st part [Easy Italian podcast with transcripts]
      Jul 3 2024

      Ciao! We are Chiara, an Italian living in Kazakhstan and Gianluca, an Italian living in Romaniа. We both teach Italian to foreigners. This is the first episode of the podcast "Espresso and Beshaparmak". It is content for those who are learning Italian and want to listen to something that is not too difficult but at the same time interesting. We started the series where we talk about working in Italy. Questions for you: What is your job? What was your first job? Is it difficult to get started in your job? Is it common to change jobs often in your country? What is the most common job in your country? What are the salaries like in your country? What is the highest paid job? Link Telegram channel : Website with all the transcripts:

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      7 min
    • Our job in Italy - 2nd part [Easy Italian podcast with transcripts]
      Jul 1 2024

      Ciao! We are Chiara, an Italian living in Kazakhstan and Gianluca, an Italian living in Romaniа. We both teach Italian to foreigners. This is the second episode of the podcast "Espresso and Beshaparmak". It is content for those who are learning Italian and want to listen to something that is not too difficult but at the same time interesting. Questions for you: What are the employment contracts in your country? Are there special contracts for young people? Is it normal to work without a contract? Is it normal to change jobs often in your country? What is the most popular job in your country? Link Telegram channel : Website with all the transcripts:

      Afficher plus Afficher moins
      7 min

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