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Anchors for the Soul

De : John Mark Hicks
Lu par : John Mark Hicks
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    Anchor your faith in the story of God before - and during - the storms.

    Drawing on his own experience with losses and tragedies through the death of his young wife and, more recently, the death of his 16-year-old son, John Mark Hicks tells the story of God through his own experiences of suffering. He does not explain suffering because, as he describes, that cannot be done; rather, he walks with sufferers through the valley of loss. He grounds them deeply in the story of God’s love, listening, empathy, sovereignty, and victory.

    This path is not only for those who seek to persevere in the midst of their suffering, but also for those who want to prepare for the suffering that comes to all. In addition to helping sufferers, John Mark provides guidance for those who want to sit with people who are suffering. He offers advice to help comforters provide comfort. There are no easy answers. Our questions, in fact, are never fully answered. Despite this, however, there is a path of assurance, comfort, and trust that yields perseverance, peace, and hope.

    The “anchors” are found in God, who:

    • Loves us
    • Listens to us
    • Empathizes with us
    • Gives meaning to our suffering
    • Ultimately triumphs over all suffering

    These anchors ground us in God’s redemptive story.

    About the author: John Mark Hicks has taught at institutions affiliated with churches of Christ since 1982, including Harding School of Theology from 1991 to 2000 and Lipscomb University from 2000 to the present, where he is currently a professor of theology. 

    He has authored or coauthored more than a dozen books and contributed articles to several books and periodicals, both academic and popular. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Jennifer, and together, they share five living children and two deceased. They also have six grandchildren.

    ©2019 HIM Publications (P)2020 HIM Publications

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