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Couverture de A Risk Worth Taking

A Risk Worth Taking

De : Robin Pilcher
Lu par : Gerard Doyle
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    The New York Times best-selling author of Starting Over and An Ocean Apart returns with his strongest work to date - a heartwarming story of love, compassion, and redemption. 

    After the dot-com bubble burst, Dan Porter is laid off from his job and must decide what is truly important. His wife of 20 years, Jackie, a beautiful and successful managing director for a clothing designer, no longer connects with him. His teenagers, Josh, Nina, and Millie, are distant and confusing. Jackie is tempted by the attentions of a younger man at her office, and thanks to an opportunity suggested by a magazine article, Dan finds himself contemplating a drastic change in his life. 

    A Risk Worth Taking is an engrossing, thought-provoking novel of a man who has to discover what he really values in his work, marriage, and life. Robin Pilcher writes fluidly and is endlessly interested in capturing the details of his characters' lives. He has written a poignant and moving story about the real choices adults face when they start taking stock of their lives.

    ©2004 Robin Pilcher (P)2011 Macmillan Audio

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