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Couverture de A Poor Billionaire

A Poor Billionaire

De : OA Publications
Lu par : Trish Young, Paul Neuhardt
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    A letter is all that's left of him. She finally gets to know her father. The reasons behind his strange behavior were written on pages he left for her to read after his death. His journey from a poor kid to a billionaire took a lot of twists and turns. The sacrifices he chose to make along the way had cost him a lot.

    "There is a chart behind the charts, and only a few people knew this. Those few people made millions, but for them to make millions, millions had to lose a few hundreds."

    "If you want to be different than ordinary people, you shouldn’t act like ordinary people. I wanted to find the keys to the doors that weren’t accessible to me. And I did. The more I got, the more I wanted. It was a rolling snowball with no end. A snowball that crushed everything in its way. The bigger it got, the more chance of it exploding and causing astronomical damage that could affect its surroundings. I just didn’t see the bottom of the mountain."

    ©2022 OA Publications (P)2023 OA Publications

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