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Couverture de A Drop of Patience

A Drop of Patience

De : William Melvin Kelley
Lu par : Jay Smooth
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    One of the great jazz novels of any era, A Drop of Patience tells the story of a blind horn player's journey through the themes of race, blindness, and music.

    At the age of five, Ludlow Washington is given up by his parents to a brutal White-run state institution for blind African American children, where everyone is taught music - the only trade by which they are expected to make a living. Ludlow is a prodigy on the horn and at 15 is "purchased" out of the Home by a bandleader in the fictive Southern town of New Marsails.

    By 18, he is married with a baby daughter, but as his reputation spreads, he seeks to grow musically, leaving his budding family for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in New York City. Navigating the worlds of music and race and women, Ludlow's career follows an arc towards collapse, a nervous breakdown, recovery, a long-delayed public recognition, only for him to finally abandon the spotlight and return to his roots and find solace in the Black church.

    A Drop of Patience is a brilliant portrayal of a jazz musician. It stands apart as an exemplary parable of African American history, of racial politics, and of musical creative genius.

    ©2020 William Melvin Kelley (P)2020 Random House Audio

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