
  • 8. Egg Collection Day!
    Dec 14 2022

    It's the biggie today... Egg Collection Day!

    • What is it?
    • What happens?
    • How does it feel?
    • What can you expect?

    I answer all these questions and more in this week's episode based on my own personal experiences. I hope you find it useful as you approach this part of the process.

    Please remember, I'm no medic, so please ensure you take a medical professional's opinion.

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    25 min
  • 7. The Dating Dilemma...
    Dec 7 2022

    In today's episode, I'm going on a bit of a tangent and sharing my reflections on the dating dilemma...

    Deciding to freeze your eggs is a huge decision, but it's not isolated from other dynamics and situations going on in your life. So how does egg freezing impact your dating life, when is the right time to tell a potential date that you've frozen your eggs and at what point do you ask them their views on having children?

    ITS. A. MINEFIELD. Especially because you've taken the courageous move to freeze your eggs, which is something that is financially, physically and emotionally taxing. So it's likely you REALLY would like a baby one day... but there's nothing more certain than that adding a whole load of pressure on to your dating life!

    I don't have all the answers, but I hope this gives you some reassurance that you're not alone with these dilemmas...

    Good luck!!

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    18 min
  • 6. My first egg freezing cycle... a long cycle
    Nov 30 2022

    In today's episode, I share with you the details of my first egg freezing cycle.

    I share the details of the cycle; what it means to have a 'long' cycle (as opposed to my second cycle which was a 'short' cycle), the medication I took, the scans and how my follicles grew and, finally, the outcome of cycle 1.

    I hope you find this a useful insight into the realities and practicalities of a long egg freezing cycle.

    Please remember, I'm no medic, so please ensure you take a medical professional's opinion if you're unsure.

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    27 min
  • 5. Bloods, Drugs and Scans
    Nov 23 2022

    Time to get into some of the 'gory detail'. Today, I share what's what with:

    Bloods, Drugs and Scans.

    In this episode, I share why the doctors do these tests, when in the cycle they do them, how it feels when the drugs arrive and my top tips for these parts of the process.

    We're getting into the nitty gritty here of the process in a bit more detail... I hope it's useful!

    Please remember, I'm no medic, so please ensure you take a medical professional's opinion if you're unsure.

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    32 min
  • 4. Which clinic is right for me?
    Nov 16 2022

    Just in case you hadn't had enough of the big questions (!), here's another one for you...

    Which clinic are you going to pick?

    In this episode, I explore the stats and info I collated to make my decision of which clinic was right for me. The decision making process can be a minefield and can become mind-boggling if you're not careful, so I hope this helps you navigate this decision.

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x
    (P.P.S... please remember, I'm no medic, so please ensure you take a medical professional's opinion if you're unsure). x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    17 min
  • 3. Crunching the numbers
    Nov 9 2022

    Elective Egg Freezing is not currently available on the NHS (don't get me started!), which means that as a woman facing this choice, you also have to face the high cost.

    And it's not a cost to be sniffed at.

    In this episode, I share the breakdown of the costs of my treatment during 2021-22, so you can see what you're potentially going to be faced with when you get your bill.

    I also share what I wish I'd known or thought about sooner, so you might factor it in your thinking too.

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    24 min
  • 2. Decisions, decisions... and preparing yourself
    Nov 3 2022

    Deciding to freeze your eggs is a HUGE decision. I would say that the decision making part of the process is the biggest and most complicated bit of the whole thing, so it takes some serious thought.

    There are so many things to consider from:

    • When to do it (its a fine balance...)
    • What bits of information you might want to find out about your fertility to help you decide (it's a minefield, but once you have the info it's so much easier!)
    • How you might feel with any given outcome (there are no guarantees after all)
    • How to finance it (gulp...)
    • Preparing yourself emotionally, physically and practically

    In this episode, I share my reflections on the decision making process and how I went about it, plus the reality of how that played out as I embarked on my journey.

    Please like, follow and share the podcast so that other women like you and like me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (P.S... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    39 min
  • 1. How on earth did I end up here?
    Nov 3 2022

    In this episode, I share my story about how I ended up here... 

    • How is it possible that I'm 37, divorced and concerned about my future fertility? (This wasn't in the plan!)
    • How I had so many curveballs thrown at me along the way... my fertility journey in my marriage, an ovarian cyst and riddled with endometriosis (FML)
    • Plus the headlines of what happened and how many eggs I managed to freeze.

    Do like, follow and share so that other women like you and me can feel less alone as they consider the potentially life changing decision of freezing their eggs.

    Join me over on instagram for more: https://www.instagram.com/iceicebaby_maybe

    With love, Jo x

    (PS... sorry for the odd potty mouth moment!) x

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    36 min