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Couverture de Kill the Hunter

Kill the Hunter

De : Bryan Smith
Lu par : Timothy McKean
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    All families have secrets, but some secrets are bigger, darker, and bloodier than others.

    Zach and Chelsea grew up in idyllic suburbia. Then one day, their father vanished without explanation, ripping their world apart. A year later, a dangerous man shows up looking for him, a man who claims to hunt monsters and things that go bump in the night.

    Soon, the siblings are swept up in a whirlwind of violence and chaos, locked in a desperate attempt to elude the police and the mysterious organization of monster hunters. In the process of fighting to stay free and alive, they unearth all the secret things kept hidden from them their entire lives.

    Scary, shocking things.

    And nothing will ever be the same again....

    ©2023 Bryan Smith (P)2023 Fright Night Audio

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