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Couverture de Fun Facts About Animals 2

Fun Facts About Animals 2

De : Justina Kirkwood
Lu par : Rachel Hirsh
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    Do you want to know what animal is born pregnant? And what animal can decapitate itself and grow a new body in just three weeks? Keep reading to find out more!

    Animals are fascinating creatures and children are full of curiosity. So are the adults of all ages!

    Are you looking for a fun and entertaining book for you and your family? Would you like to learn 101 (and more) new bizarre and mind-blowing facts about animals? Do you love nature and learning new things? If the answer is yes then this audiobook is for you!

    In this audiobook, you will discover:

    • Which fish can climb a tree
    • Which animal dresses up to hide
    • Which bee can build sandcastles
    • Which worm snaps fish into two
    • Which animal lives for only 5 min
    • Which animal is longer than the blue whale
    • Which animal poops white sand
    • ...and 95 more mind-blowing facts about animals!
    • a bonus fact at the end!

    Spark your child’s curiosity while you put your feet up and relax at home, or keep them entertained on your next car journey!

    Join in for more family fun with 50 trivia questions about what you just learned from the audiobook and try to guess the right answer together!

    A total of 98 resources and many, many hours of research were used to create this audiobook.

    If you want to learn 101 bizarre, mind-blowing, and interesting facts about animals and test your knowledge with 50 trivia questions and answers, then scroll up and click the "buy" button to get your audiobook instantly!

    ©2022 Justina Kirkwood (P)2023 Justina Kirkwood
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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